
The 2024 handbook below provides you with general information and policies for our camps.


我们很高兴你们对我们的夏令营感兴趣! 请仔细阅读我们的政策. 如果您有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 srcsummercamps@yopin365.com. You may also call 251-460-7268, however email is the preferred method of contact.


Camps are held at the 十大彩票网投平台 学生娱乐中心 located at 51 Jaguar Blvd on the corner of Old Shell Road and Jaguar Blvd. SRC正在建设 #12 校园地图.


Our recreational camps provide fun, physically active programming. 我们使用很多部门 of 校园娱乐 and 健康 facilities including the indoor and outdoor pools, indoor rock wall, ping-pong tables, 篮球 and indoor soccer courts, the Glenn Sebastian Nature Trail, racquetball courts, and intramural fields. 通过注册 your child for camp, you attest that your child is able to be physically active for 一天的持续时间.

Our camps follow the same daily schedule and activities for all seven weeks. Theme activities are planned for approximately one hour each morning. 请把这个保存好。 mind when choosing the number of weeks that will interest your child. 


Summer camps: Children must be going into the 1st-8th grade in the upcoming school year. Children must have completed kindergarten and may not be going into 9th grade. 没有例外.

Fall/Winter camps: Children must currently be in K5-8th grade. 


Please make sure your camper is ready for camp by asking yourself the following:

  • Is my child able to change his or her own clothing and swimsuit?
  • Is my child able to tend to personal needs such as toileting and eating? 营人员 不能协助处理个人需要.
  • Does my child generally follow simple directions and rules in a structured setting? Most rules are set to ensure the safety of all campers, and children must be able 遵循这些规则.
  • Does my child have any regular behavior problems including (but not limited to) kicking or hitting others, running away from a group, or yelling at others? 经常 表现出这些行为是不适合我们扎营的. 

USA 校园娱乐 and 健康 reserves the right to permanently dismiss any camper for inappropriate or unsafe behavior at any time when, in USA 校园娱乐 and 健康’ sole discretion, the camper’s behavior warrants such a response. 

Please note that the Department of 校园娱乐 and 健康 staff may not have the skills to assist children who are in poor mental or emotional health. 


Camp counselors are current USA students who are certified in American Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid, have completed our in-house staff training, and have passed a background check. American Red Cross certified lifeguards are present for 所有泳池活动. 户外 探险队的工作人员在岩壁上提供帮助.

我们要求辅导员与露营者的比例为1:10. 为了保持这个比例,父母应该 not ask for their child(ren) to be added to a full camp or to switch groups.


营地活动计划于上午7:45至下午3:00进行. 所有的孩子必须在早上8:45到达 每一天. 

游泳是早上7:45-8:45的第一项活动. 不愿游泳的孩子 may arrive from 8:30-8:45am and will wait in the lobby; our staff's attention must 小心泳池里的孩子. 

Any late arrivals or early check-outs must be communicated at least one day prior 这样营地的工作人员就能了解情况,做好准备.

After-camp care is provided from 3:00-4:30pm in the summer only. 还有一个附加条件 fee of $20/child/week regardless of the number of days you need care (no proration). 

任何迟于约定接送时间的家长 time will be charged $1/minute, 在前台通过借记卡/信用卡支付. 是时候去拿钱包了 到最后几分钟才算车. 

Pricing & Payment

  • Member pricing is only available to children and grandchildren of Student Recreation 中心成员. Members who register other children at the member price will be invoiced 为了平衡. 
  • Members who join the SRC after registering for camp at the non-member price can have 差价退还. 会员资格必须在注册期间有效 camp week(s); no refunds on previous camp weeks that occurred prior to joining.

注册时全额付款. 所有注册都在网上进行 via the 校园娱乐门户. 只接受信用卡和借记卡. 您的收据将通过电子邮件发送给您 应该为税收目的而保留吗.

Per university policy, we cannot accept credit card payments over the phone.

Regular registration for each session closes the prior Thursday at 11:59 PM. We do not accept registrations the Friday, Saturday, or Sunday before a 营会话 so 我们可以做好充分的准备,并随时通知我们的顾问.

If you missed a session registration deadline, and there is still space available in your child’s age group, you can register late in-person the Monday of each camp session at 7:45-8:30am at the front desk of the 学生娱乐中心. 有 a late fee of $25/child and only credit or debit cards are accepted. 没有现金或支票. Please allow 30 minutes to complete late, in-person registration.


  • A full refund will be granted if requested by three weeks before the start of your 营会话.
  • A 75% refund will be granted if requested by two weeks before the start of your camp session. 
  • A 50% refund will be granted if requested by one week before the start of your camp session.  
  • No refunds are granted less than one week before your 营会话. 

填写我们的 退款形式 要求取消和退款. 具体请参阅您的会议收据 退款日期. Camp fees cannot be transferred to another 校园娱乐 and 健康 比如游泳课或生日聚会. 一旦夏令营开始,那里 没有退款或改期吗.

有 no pro-rated cost if your child cannot attend the entire session.

Illness, injury, registering for the wrong session, family emergencies or other extenuating circumstance that occurs less than one week before the start of your 营会话, and warrants missing the entire camp week (or an entire day for single-day Fall/Winter camps), will receive a 50% refund pending documentation from a third-party provider. 

For single-day Fall/Winter camps: no refunds will be granted if 校园娱乐 and 健康 is notified on the day of camp that your child will not attend. 


Any individual bringing a child OR picking a child up must complete the daily attendance 日志,其中包括时间和完整的,清晰的签名. 父母必须陪伴他们的孩子 child(ren) into and out of the 学生娱乐中心 every day; children will not be allowed to sign themselves in/out or leave the building to meet parents in 停车场.

Parents should park in a marked parking space; do not park in the pedestrian walkways 或者大学/快递的停车位. 

During drop-off, children should be brought to the 学生娱乐中心 lobby, 然后辅导员会护送他们到室外游泳池. 想要游泳的孩子 必须在每天早上7:45-8:30之间下车吗. 不想游泳的孩子 可以在8:30-8:45之间下车吗. 

Pick-up takes place in our classroom near the lobby beginning at 2:40pm. 所有的孩子 who are not staying for after-camp care must be picked up by 3:00pm. 参加课外活动的孩子 行李必须在下午4:30之前取走. 任何迟于约定接送时间的家长 time will be charged $1/minute, 在前台通过借记卡/信用卡支付. Time to retrieve a wallet from the 到最后几分钟才算车. 

The only individuals who may pick up a child from camp are those listed as an authorized 提货的人. 您可以通过您的 校园娱乐门户 account. 工作人员不会将孩子交给名单之外的人. 我们可以叫人来接我们 出示有效驾驶执照的人.


所有的孩子 will be given swim tests on the first day of each session and throughout 按需露营. Children who do not pass the swim test must wear a life jacket during 所有泳池活动. 校园娱乐与健康中心提供救生衣.


孩子们将被分成不同的年龄组. 我们的比例是10个孩子对应1个辅导员.  All groups will do some activities together including swimming, snack times, and lunch time. During other activities, the age groups may be separated based on facility space 或者活动的年龄适宜性.


2024年夏令营期间不提供午餐. 生鲜食品公司(自助餐厅)会 因装修而关闭.

All campers should bring a bagged lunch, two snacks and an inexpensive reusable water 每天一瓶. We do not have refrigerators or microwaves available for camper use. 

Food sent via delivery services is not accepted and will be discarded upon arrival. 

医疗包 & Waiver

所有的孩子都必须有一个current complete 健康的形式 and waiver on file. 6月1日至5月31日是健康包. 


If your child has a special need that requires accommodations, please contact us at srcsummercamps@yopin365.com. We work with the university’s Office of Risk Management, Center for Educational 可访问性 & Disability Resources, and attorneys on a case-by-case basis to determine if we can provide reasonable accommodations for a requested need.

We cannot provide one-on-one attention throughout the day for any need including but not limited to physical, medical, intellectual, emotional, or behavioral. 每个辅导员 负责最多10个孩子.


Campers are expected to participate in all activities and adhere to these daily guidelines, in addition to USA's code of conduct for university-sanctioned camps. 持续的不符合 with the rules of the program will result in immediate dismissal from camp and forfeiture 程序成本.

  1. 听从辅导员的所有指示.
  2. 与指定的小组和辅导员待在一起.
  3. Athletic shoes/sneakers are required in all areas of the 学生娱乐中心 除了游泳池.
  4. Walk and use a quiet voice in the hallways and in the classroom.
  5. 任何时候都要佩戴名牌,游泳池除外.
  6. 不要污损或破坏任何设备或设施.
  7. 尊重他人和他们的财物.
  8. Clean up dishes, food, and table in the dining hall after lunch.
  9. No electronics are allowed at camp, as they disrupt daily activities. 这包括 cell phones, tablets, smart watches, activity trackers, games, and any other form 电子产品. Parents are responsible for making sure electronics are left at home 每一天.
  10. HAVE FUN!


Children should arrive 每一天 in their swimsuits, flip-flops or water shoes, and 带一条毛巾. 请在到达前为您的孩子涂抹防晒霜. 儿童也可以 带上帽子、太阳镜和泳镜. 孩子们应随身携带一个小包 a change of clothes including shorts, shirt, underwear, socks, and athletic shoes. 非气溶胶防晒霜和驱虫剂可以包括在内. 不允许携带大包. Athletic shoes MUST be worn in all areas of the 学生娱乐中心 and during 所有户外活动,不包括游泳池. 岩石上每天都需要穿袜子 wall. 

Please mark all of your camper’s items with their full name using permanent marker 或标签. Lost-and-found items will be kept for the duration of the summer. 无人认领的 items will be donated to charity one week after the final day of camp.


Children are prohibited from bringing toys, money, tablets, games, trading cards, 电子产品、武器等. to camp. 这些物品将被没收. NO CELL 允许使用手机或智能手表.